1 JANUARY 2018 – Religious Minorities in Asia

In the vastly diversified cultural world of Asia, the Church faces many risks and her task is made more difficult by the fact of her being a minority.[1]

These risks, these challenges are shared with other minority religious traditions, with whom we share a desire for wisdom, truth and holiness.[2]

When we think of those who are persecuted for their religion, we go beyond differences of rite or confession[3]: We place ourselves on the side of the men and women who fight to avoid renouncing their religious identity.[4]

Let us pray for all of them, so that Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian countries, may be able to practice their faith in full freedom.[5]

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[1] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia in Asia” of the Holy Father John Paul II (Jn 10, 10).

[2] Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Address of His Holiness Pope Francis, Tuesday, 13 January 2015.

[3] Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia in Asia” of the Holy Father John Paul II (Jn 10, 10).

[4] Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Address of His Holiness Pope Francis, Tuesday, 13 January 2015.

[5] Monthly intention of the Holy Father for January 2018 entrusted to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.