Dear National Directors of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, Good morning!
We write to you, as the International Coordination of Click To Pray, to inform you about the meeting that, last January 16th and 17th, the linguistic coordination of Click To Pray had at Rome.
The linguistic coordinations of Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Italian and German were present. The linguistic coordination of traditional Chinese could not be present. The meeting was guided by the International Coordination (Fr. Antonio Valerio, SJ and Bettina Raed), with the presence of the International Director, Frédéric Fornos, SJ, the Project Manager of CTP, Juan Ignacio Castellaro (Argentina), Giulia Bianchi, International Assistant of EYM and Patrizia Mesoraca, Secretary of the International Office.
This was the first meeting since the beginning of the international platform in 2016. It has been two days to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit, the way He has guided us through these years, and how Click To Pray is such an important help for more than two million Christians to pray and mobilize their lives for the challenges of the world and of the Church’s mission that the Holy Father is asking us, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, as a Pontifical Work.
In an atmosphere of great openness and community, we shared the joys, the expectations, the fruits, the difficulties and the points where our work should be better coordinated. It was very important to clarify aspects of the protocol of procedures, and above all, to have clear guidelines for the elaboration of contents, which help to flesh out the Pope’s monthly intention in daily life, connecting it with very concrete spiritual attitudes and in harmony with our spiritual itinerary, The Way of the Heart.
As an international coordination, we would like to thank the various language teams and their volunteers for all the energy and love put into this mission, as well as the support of all the National Teams in promoting and helping to maintain this important platform in the life and mission of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, at the service of the Church.
Greetings, in Christ
Fr. António Valério, sj
Bettina Raed