The Way of the Heart is the formation program of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. It is a program which draws our heart to be nearer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to align our hearts to His sentiments, desires, and yearnings. It invites us to unite ourselves to the mission which Jesus received from the Father. (The Way of the Heart).
On this Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I inform you that the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, on July 31, 2022, with the Closing of the Ignatian Year, will renew the Consecration of the Society to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In January 1872 Fr. Beckx, then Superior General of the Jesuits, consecrated the Society to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1883 the Fathers of the 23rd General Congregation approved Decree 46: “We declare that the Society of Jesus accepts and receives with a spirit overflowing with joy and gratitude, the gentle burden (munus suavissimum) that our Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted to it, to practice, promote and propagate devotion to His most divine Heart”. This was also confirmed by John Paul II in 1986.
On June 9th, 1972, Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (1907-1991), one hundred years after Fr. Beckx SJ, consecrated the Society to the Heart of Christ. Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ will renew this consecration on July 31, 2022, feast of St. Ignatius.
Promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is what we have done throughout history, and in a special way with the re-creation of this pontifical service as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, since, responding to the call of Pedro Arrupe SJ, and of the last Superiors General, we have renewed this devotion with creative fidelity. The Way of the Heart is today the foundation and compass of our mission :
I remind you these three documents, which are good to read and know for your mission:
1 – Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus throughout history.
2 – The Jesuits and the Devotion to the Heart of Jesus.
I wish you a happy feast day. United in the Heart of Christ, for a mission of compassion for the world,
Frederic Fornos SJ
International Director
Eucharistic Youth Movement