
Lent: mission of compassion

We invite you to live Lent as a mission of compassion for the world, united to the Heart of Jesus, through prayer and by putting into action the concrete attitudes that come from Pope Francis’ prayer intentions every month. The mission of compassion for the world is the specific way in which we live devotion to the Heart of Jesus, in the Pope’s Prayer Network.

On Sundays and Wednesdays of Lent we will propose to you words of the Holy Father in some of his videos, inviting you to prayer and action in response to these prayer intentions. These words will be an invitation to live the Sunday Gospel as a mission of compassion, extending its echo throughout the week.

On Mondays and Thursdays we will propose to you attitudes or key words that come from the same prayer intention that will help you to go into depth in the experience of the Sunday Gospel and the challenge proposed in the video of the Pope.

We invite you to walk together and follow the prayer proposals to live Lent as a mission of compassion for the world, in the way of the Heart of Jesus.

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On behalf of the Click To Pray Coordination Team