The Pope entrusts his Worldwide Prayer Network each month with prayer intentions that express his deep concerns for humanity and the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention is a global call to transform our prayers into “concrete actions,” serving as a compass for a mission of compassion for the world. In this way, he proposes a path to mobilize us each month, through prayer and action, for a more humane, fraternal, and solidary world.

This document, prepared by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, outlines the 12 challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church, which the Pope expresses in his prayer intentions for 2025, inviting us to pray and commit our lives to them. Each month, a prayer and attitudes for daily living are proposed, helping to deepen this prayer service and live the monthly challenge day by day.

These prayer intentions are the result of a long process of discernment within the Church, involving various countries around the world and proposals from several dicasteries, congregations, and services of the Holy See. At the end of this several-month process, the Pope, with the proposals received from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, takes time to pray and discern the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. He then entrusts his 12 prayer intentions to all the faithful for the following year, which truly serve as guidelines for our life and mission.