Pope Francis unveils his prayer profile in Click to Pray. Read the article.

Praying with Jesus

My daily prayer has at least three specific moments.

To practice them, I will choose the form which inspires me most and helps me become more available to the Risen Lord. I can have in front of me an image of Jesus or a Crucifix.  It can be in a special place in my house. I can recite a particular prayer. I can use digital means, etc.

Pray with Click To Pray

With Jesus in the morning

As I begin my day, I will look for a moment of silence to become aware of the presence of the Risen Lord.  I ask the Father to make me available to the mission of his Son, offering him what I am and possess.  This offering can be done in my own words or following a written prayer. I ask the Holy Spirit to open my heart to the needs and challenges that confront humanity and the mission of the Church, and I pray for them following the Pope’s intentions for this month.

With Jesus during the day

In different moments along the day, on the road or on a stop, at home or at work, I make myself aware of being in the presence of the Lord and I renew my availability to “to labor with him in the day and watch in the night” (Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, 93).

With Jesus at night

At the end of the day, in a moment of silence, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me in which ways the Jesus has been with me during this day, and I thank him.  I ask myself in which ways have I been available to his mission, and I also thank him. I look at how I have been an obstacle to his work in me and I ask that in his mercy he may come and transform my heart.  I ask him that I may live the next day close to him.   Jesus gives me his blessing.