The new rosary for the Family is now available in the free app Click To Pray eRosary (audio guide, musical background, adapted pedagogy) : www.clicktoprayerosary.org
This project is financed exclusively by donations.
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Amoris Laetitia Family Year
“Prayer is the breath of faith”, explains Pope Francis. Even in the family “it also means encouraging family prayer during the week”, because “the family that prays together stays together”. (AL n. 227)
Praying the Holy Rosary is a special time to share with one’s family members and other families as well. During the year dedicated to St. Joseph, praying the Rosary as a family is also a concrete way of obtaining plenary indulgence. In any case, “this can do immense good for our families”. (AL 318)
With this hope, I invite you all to use this rosary prepared on the occasion of the “Amoris Laetitia Family” Year so that we do not miss the opportunity to reinforce our love for Jesus and Mary, our heavenly Mother. The meditations are brief, taken from Amoris Laetitia and are accompanied by short questions and images that can help you reflect in faith, even with children.
May the Lord bless you and the Holy Family of Nazareth accompany you, so that you may render your domestic Churches cenacles of prayer for spreading Mary’s love throughout the world.
Cardinal Kevin Farrell
Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life
The Rosary for the Family has been carefully created by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. Our team is delighted with this partnership in order to help families to pray and to pray as a family.
The Rosary is available for Amazon Kindle and in the Google Play Books store. Furthermore, the Rosary can be downloaded for free as an EPUB, MOBI or PDF through our website.
Frédéric Fornos SJ.
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network International Director
Bettina Raed
Click To Pray International Coordinator