On Friday, January 12, 2024, the Extended Council of the Superior General of the Jesuits, Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, met at the General Curia in Rome to work on the theme of formation in the Society of Jesus. The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, as a Pontifical Work entrusted to the Society of Jesus, was invited to this meeting to share its experience in different areas of integral formation.
In this context, the director and vice-director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, Fr. Frederic Fornos, SJ, and Fr. Cristóbal Fones, SJ, participated in one of the sessions to present the formative itinerary of the Prayer Network: The Path of the Heart and its other projects.
As is understandable and as shown by the experience of recent years, the Extended Council dedicated to such an important topic had to consider the formation of the Jesuits in connection with that of other collaborators in the mission. The experience that the Network has had in various cultural contexts through the retreats of the Path of the Heart and particularly through the training of trainers (laypeople/religious/Jesuits) was highly appreciated in the context of this global reflection.