El Camino del Corazón Click To Pray

June 2020 – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Dear friends in the Lord,

On Saturday, May 9, 2020, we officially launched, with the Latin American directors and national coordinators, the training platform The Way of the Heart. Friday June 19, 2020, is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our feast, we are taking this opportunity to launch our platform to a wide Spanish-speaking audience, with the support of TeleVid. For more information, as well as about the English version, see the attached letter.


Happy Feast of the Heart of Jesus.

Fr. Frédéric Fornos SJ


“at the center there is love, the love of the Father who sent His Son, the love of the Holy Spirit that is within us. And we can do this by adoring the Eucharist, where this love is present in the Sacrament.” Angelus June 7, 2020