News from the Prayer Network
Where we are
Our projects
The Pope Video
The Pope Video is an official initiative with a global reach that seeks to disseminate the Holy Father’s prayer intentions, which he entrusts to us every month.
It is an initiative that accompanies Pope Francis’ requested prayers, month to month. In addition, the project is supported by Vatican Media. Currently, it is available in 21 languages, 14 with own Social Networks (website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, newsletter). In addition to the video, you can find other materials such as infographics on the monthly prayer intention.
Learn more here:
The Pope Video
The Pope Video is an official initiative with a global reach that seeks to disseminate the Holy Father’s prayer intentions, which he entrusts to us every month.
It is an initiative that accompanies Pope Francis’ requested prayers, month to month. In addition, the project is supported by Vatican Media. Currently, it is available in 21 languages, 14 with own Social Networks (website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, newsletter). In addition to the video, you can find other materials such as infographics on the monthly prayer intention.
Learn more here:
Click To Pray
Click To Pray is the official prayer platform of the Holy Father. The app connects hundreds of thousands of people who, on every continent, pray for the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church, which the Pope puts to us in his prayer intentions every month. You will also find a guide to sharing three moments of prayer with the Lord each day. Not only does this platform encourage you to upload your prayers so that others can pray along with you, but also you can access the Pope’s own official prayer profile.
Today it is available in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Chinese (Android, iOS, Blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Newsletters). And we have also started working on Vietnamese and Japanese versions.
Learn more here:

Click To Pray eRosary
In the middle of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019, established by the Holy Father, we launched the free application Click To Pray eRosary: it suggests a rosary to pray for peace in the world. Designed to reach the digital world where young people are active, the Click To Pray eRosary works as a technological guide to teach them to pray the rosary, contemplate the Gospel and pray for peace.
This project brings together the best of the Church’s spiritual tradition and the latest advances in the technological world: this app helps you pray the rosary for the challenges of our world with your own wooden rosary or with an interactive technological device specially created for this app.
Learn more here:
Click To Pray eRosary
In the middle of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019, established by the Holy Father, we launched the free application Click To Pray eRosary: it suggests a rosary to pray for peace in the world. Designed to reach the digital world where young people are active, the Click To Pray eRosary works as a technological guide to teach them to pray the rosary, contemplate the Gospel and pray for peace.
This project brings together the best of the Church’s spiritual tradition and the latest advances in the technological world: this app helps you pray the rosary for the challenges of our world with your own wooden rosary or with an interactive technological device specially created for this app.
Learn more here:

The Way of the Heart
The Way of the Heart is our spiritual journey that leads us to harmonise our hearts with the Heart of Jesus. It is a formative journey which helps us to embark on a mission of compassion for the world.
The Way of the Heart is the foundation of our mission. It presents content and a methodology for you to become increasingly available for Christ’s mission and mobilize yourself for the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. It is a collaboration, supervised by the Catholic University of Córdoba in Argentina and supported by the TeleVID television channel.
Currently you can access 86 videos, 86 audios, 350 downloadable texts with images and designs, 11 books.
Learn more here:

175 Years
Throughout 2019 we are celebrating 175 years of the Apostleship of Prayer, today known as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (including EYM: the Eucharistic Youth Movement), and 10 years since the beginning of its recreation. To celebrate this occasion, on June 28th and 29th delegations from each country came to Rome to meet in a series of international events, which included a meeting with the Holy Father in the Paul VI Audience Hall.
Learn more here:
175 Years
Throughout 2019 we are celebrating 175 years of the Apostleship of Prayer, today known as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (including EYM: the Eucharistic Youth Movement), and 10 years since the beginning of its recreation. To celebrate this occasion, on June 28th and 29th delegations from each country came to Rome to meet in a series of international events, which included a meeting with the Holy Father in the Paul VI Audience Hall.
Learn more here:

Issuu Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
Official publications of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and the Eucharistic Youth Movement.
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