Pope Francis welcomed the team from the international office, the continental coordinators, permanent collaborators of the Worldwide Prayer Network, and the ambassadors of the Pro-Rete Mondiale di Preghiera del Papa Foundation to the Apostolic Palace. During the meeting, the Holy Father emphasized the importance of prayer in daily life and how it can unite communities around values of love and compassion.

Francis reminded everyone that our hearts must be aligned with Jesus, pointing out that the encyclical Dilexit Nos is a vital source of nourishment for our spiritual journey. He also spoke about Mary, who teaches us to treasure Jesus’ teachings and actions in our hearts. He highlighted the word “to guard” and explained that the Holy Spirit provides us with the “living water” necessary for true spiritual growth.

The Pope stated that the Worldwide Prayer Network will play a significant role during the Jubilee, helping individuals and communities embrace its spirit. This process is rooted in the union of prayer and compassion, closeness to those in need, and works of mercy.

“Dear brothers and sisters, I am convinced that the Worldwide Prayer Network will make a meaningful contribution to the Jubilee by uniting prayer and compassion, closeness to the marginalized, and works of mercy. Thank you, thank you so much!” — Pope Francis.

The Pope also presented the prayer intentions for 2026 today. The 12 challenges for that year are now available here.